Kamis, 05 Januari 2012

$3 Million in Grant Funds for Development to Boost Morale in Colony Park


As the new year has passed, great things are coming into fruition for the down-trodden neighborhood of Colony Park, in east Austin. Yesterday, the city of Austin had a press release announcing a $3 million grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD). Austin was one of twenty-seven cities throughout the nation to receive funds. This is a welcome site for the Colony Park neighborhood and surrounding neighborhoods.

In July, Colony Park was firmly placed on the front page of the Austin American-Statesman due to a crack down nationwide on Cartels, in particular the La Familia was busted in the neighborhood. Then in September, the newly built Turner-Roberts Recreation Center was ordered to be shutdown, due to cracks and an unsuitable foundation. On November 30, 2011, the Statesman ran another story about the problems at Turner-Roberts Rec and once again Colony Park was prominently featured on the front page.

So, it was only fair to the community that they were chosen to receive this funding. Austin received more than any of the twenty-seven cities. This project will mix single family residences with mixed-use developments. The surrounding neighborhoods consist of the L.B.J neighborhood, Lakeside neighborhood, Park Place neighborhood, Sendero Hills Neighborhood and several trailer parks along with other smaller neighborhoods.

Some of the residents requested high end retail and plenty of green space for walking, jogging and cycling. This neighborhood lacks jobs and seems to be an island from the rest of Austin due to no shopping areas or grocery stores. A grocery store definitely should be assessed in order to bring all these neighborhoods together to a central location.

The event brought out Mayor Lee Leffingwell, Councilmember Mike Martinez and a host of HUD representatives and city officials.

Congressman Lloyd Doggett(Austin) was scheduled to attend but had a change of plans prior to the press conference.

Sarah Jackson, with the Colony Park neighborhood association stated,
"I see it as a positive thing, because when you have an area like you do Mueller, you just see something positive for your neighborhood," Jackson said. "You know, because it just looks rich looking,".

Mueller, another mixed-use development in east Austin, is a successful development, to whom Colony Park residents wish to pattern their new development after.

City officials stated that it would take about three years to fully understand what will be developed on this city-owned land.

With all the previous negative accounts of Colony Park, this deal will surely leave a sweet taste in the community's mouth once established.

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