Senin, 04 Juli 2011

Dallas : Black leaders call investigation into John Wiley Price" White Supremacy rising"

Local organizations and individuals in support.
Juanita Wallace(center)

“We are not blind, even if this so-called justice is. We see this coordinated, concerted, conceived attack on African American leadership for what it is – the foul and diabolical head of racism and White supremacy rising again, seeing to emasculate and eviscerate the political and economical empowerment of communities of color, by decapitating its leadership." Juanita Wallace Dallas Naacp

“We will not sit back and be silent, while those whose own hands are stained with a long history of duplicity and corruption, target and unrelentingly attack the elected leadership of communities of color – especially strong, loudly vocal, highly visible and deeply committed African American leaders elected from our own community.” Juanita Wallace Dallas Naacp

Price Lawyer Ready, NAACP Claims FBI Corruption

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