Rabu, 06 Juli 2011

Imam Yahya Abdullah to teach Ta'leem tomorrow

As Salaamu 'Alaikum,

Insha' Allah, Imam Yahya Abdullah will be the presenter of Ta'leem tomorrow from 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM eastern time on Free conference call number is:  559-546-1000 - pass code 705354 #

The topic and references will be:

"ALLAH feeds from above and below. Surah 34 Ayat 24 And Surah 35 Ayat 3. Commentary will be from Commentary on the Holy Qur'an.  Book 1 by Imam W. Deen Mohammed. "

Peace, Mercy and Blessing,

Imam Khalifah Ramadan, EPhD
Institute Muslim American Mobilization
716-812-1404 cell
716-854-5446 home/office

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