Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

Dallas-Fort Worth : Emergency Managers around Metroplex have lots to learn

Last night exposed the vulnerability of the metroplex and the weakness of our emergency preparedness training. For instance, a tornado warning was issued with fans at The Ballpark at Arlington in the middle of the baseball game. 

Stadium workers rushed fans onto the field where they were brutally assaulted by heavy hail. So they take them onto the field to receive brain damage from baseball sized hail with spikes and at times may have been grapefruit sized hail with spikes? Is that proper protocol by stadium officials?

Also with a reported tornado on the ground near Highland Park, the sirens didn't go off until much later. As we were watching the news reports, I saw a very massive funnel cloud that they kept on the screen not saying anything  about it. I think they were in awe of how massive that funnel cloud was and how much damage that it could possibly do to our HIGHLY POPULATED area. Hopefully, I can find video of the funnel cloud!

The sirens should have been alarmed at the site of such a massive cloud. Just last week I wrote a brief article expressing my lack of faith in the Dallas Office of Emergency Management. Last night solidified it. We must do better.

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