Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

Dallas : Special Mayoral Candidate Forum on CRIME tomorrow.5/18/11

Special Mayoral Candidate Forum
Today's Dallas Morning News was filled with talk of budget cuts. City. County. State. Federal. As you may know, recent Federal cuts eliminated funding for our Ferguson Road Initiative Weed & Seed project and over 300 Weed & Seed communities nationwide, including Dallas' two other sites. Yesterday, discussion within the City centered around a possible reduction in our Dallas Police Department through attrition. 
What will all this mean to you, your neighborhood, and our overall public safety.  In 2005, the City of Dallas was ranked number one in violent crime for cities over 1 million residents. We don't want to go back to that.  The Ferguson Road Initiative, in partnership with Pleasant Grove and West Dallas Weed & Seed communities will host a Mayoral Candidates Forum tomorrow evening. 
Be there and listen to our two mayoral finalists and their vision for our community's efforts to fight crime and make our community a   safe, clean, decent place to live and raise our families. Make sure your voice is heard before the June 18th run off election. Be an educated voter.

Candidates Forum 3

StLuke 3

June 18th, be an educated voter!

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