Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

Open Letter to: Teachers, Students, Staff.5/22/11

Parents, Students, Staff, Teachers, Administrators

Do you know of things going on in and around campus that you think the public should know about? Do you want to keep your job but still able to get the wrongdoing exposed? Send us your tips, your information, your knowledge of what’s going on to us —- your name(s) and identities will not be revealed whatsoever — even at the threat of a court or judge’s ruling. Securely: 214-702-1508 (text it to us — we want everything in writing.) E-mail it: breed@thedailyphalanx.com. Facebook us too: facebook.com/daily.phalanx.. If it happens on public property, with public funds, utilizing public employees, we want to know about it. We want to investigate it. And lastly, and more importantly, we want to change the behavior of public officials doing corrupt things.

Only by addressing the problems openly and honestly can cities, towns, school districts, governmental entities move forward. Nothing hidden will be that way forever. 

Tell your friends, family, neighbors, children, friends of your children or whoever else might benefit from unloading a conscience-worth of information that has been waiting to get out — but you just didn’t know who to trust to give it to.

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