Senin, 16 Mei 2011

Dallas : Operation D.I.V.A to be presented before the Public Safety Committee meeting

Today, the public safety committee meeting will be briefed on Operation D.I.V.A(Dallas Incendiary and Violent Attack). For some reason, I now have absolutely no faith in the Dallas Office of Emergency Management to lead during disaster. Some are there just for a paycheck and could care less about the safety of the citizens of Dallas

 Seems they are now becoming incompetent to the citizens everyday needs. Instead they still focus on spook issues and call regular citizens extremists. Yes that's right, I was called a  radical extremist by one of the employees of the OEM recently because of my fire to clean up my community.

 Now ain't that something? I'm called a radical by someone who doesn't even reside in the city of Dallas and wasn't even born here; how possibly could you or anyone not from here understand the issues that go on here? More on this subject at a later date. For now here is the link to today's public safety committee meeting.


*Note : and they wonder why people lose interest in volunteering for DallasCERT

Make sure the money is proper(No wasteful spending)

Dallas CERT Graduation @ Dallas Fire and Rescue Training Facility.Catholic Charities(3)

Dallas CERT Graduation @ Dallas Fire and Rescue Training Facility.Catholic Charities(3)
Class was surprised that I spoke and read Arabic!

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