Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

Why High Carbohydrate Diets After Workout is Good?

Why High Carbohydrate Diets After Workout is Good?: "
Why High Carbohydrate Diets After Workout is Good?

One body building basic that nearly every gym-regular will tell you about is taking lots of carbohydrates after you have completed a heavy workout. There is a simple reason for this. The body is in a state of repair during this phase and thus, it needs an instant supply of carbohydrates that are readily absorbed into the bloodstream, i.e. in the form of glucose.

carbohydrate foods

This is vital since glucose is the most immediate and useful source of energy for the body. The rise in glucose causes a simultaneous rise in the blood insulin levels which ensures that hormones that are needed for ensuring that sufficient glycogen is supplied to the muscle fibers for faster recovery.

The rate at which the muscles recover eventually decide the amount of muscle mass that a certain body part can develop. This is

particularly useful for people who are looking to expand upon their muscular structure, i.e. raise their overall body bass significantly.


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