Senin, 06 Juni 2011

DEVELOPING : Dallas City Secretary to retire

DEVELOPING : Just received word that Dallas City Secretary, Deborah Watkins will retire effective immediately. What a surprise? I guess? Mrs. Watkins, is the wife of Ted Watkins, four term leader of the Dallas NAACP branch, who passed away in 2008. Mr. Watkins was a student of Juanita Craft a prominent activist from South Dallas. Mrs. Watkins is also the aunt by marriage to Dallas County District Attorney Craig Watkins; her son Kurt Watkins is a political consultant.

Mrs. Watkins was pleasant to work with, always smiling and speaking to everyday people. She also would correct the councilors when they would violate citizens rights to address the council and citizens.

notice where she checks the Councilor Caraway regarding a citizen speaking during a public hearing on the budget 2010

current events Four homicides in 2 days

Deborah Watkins Retires

July 5 Will Mark City Secretary Deborah Watkins's Independence Day From City Hall

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