Rabu, 29 Juni 2011

Is Ledbetter and Bonnie View/Sunnyvale dangerous for elderly and teens?Rapes,Robberies

I was just wondering what did people think our youth would be doing with their time during the summer without the capabilities to get a job and create income. Well from the looks of it, the last few days in the Ledbetter/Sunnyvale area has been rampant with teen crimes.

We have received reports of an unreported homicide victim eleven or twelve years old found in a dumpster last week(unconfirmed), in the same apartments where Shun Evans was murdered as he sat in a car. Also, we have confirmed two reports of teenagers being sexually assaulted or raped in the same apartments(The OasisPark Apartments). FYI, there are three sets of apartments on Ledbetter located within a half-mile of each other; formerly known as Robin Oaks, Robin Village, and East Ledbetter Village Apartments

(off the kuff)
Is this the Oasis of violence because one of their security guards maced a 64 year old resident and he died the next day and there wasn't any word of him being maced the day before! And to top it all off, a juvenile was walking home from Cummings Recreation Center just a block away and was robbed by a gang of teens. There are many more stories to report but we only selected these few. Stay tuned as we keep a close watch on this area.

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