Senin, 28 Maret 2011

The Cold Reptile "Drugs The Spiritual Demon" By Lil Birdow

lil Birdow

The effects of drugs in the black community has to far been going on. You see it's cause and effects everyday in the community nationwide; mothers abandoning their children, mothers selling their children, children turning tricks, children on dope, fathers harming and neglecting their children, robbing, raping, killing, kidnapping, assault are to name a few.

The reason why there is so much crime and chaos in the community is at the very root of drugs. Drugs has a demonic way of playing with the mind, so much that it inserts a demonic spirit in that person when they become a user. It makes them think they need it, want it, and can't make it through the day without it. Ultimately it becomes their GOD, because they will do whatever it takes to get it. To eradicate crime and restore sanity back into our community, we need to get it out or it will continue to take us out.

By any means necessary we need to get this spiritual demon out of our communities. To easily it comes right through our borders and right into our neighborhoods, right into the very life of our community and eats away at it like a form of cancer and destroys the very life of it. We need to format a battle formation and take a stand to fight this demon, before it destroys us.

It will continue to destroy families, sanity, our children, education, and the very heart of us if we don't come together and become one voice. If we don't knit together as one on this problem, it will for a fact destroy us one by one, it's just a matter of time, before the essence of this serpent destroys another life.

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