Kamis, 24 Maret 2011

Dallas | The Crow Family-Muammar Qaddhafi connections, human smuggling, city of Dallas | 3/24/11


Seems kind of crazy that Henry Billingsley was convicted for smuggling Libyan leader Maummar Qaddhafi's son into the US through Mexico. Henry, is Lucy Crow's husband, daughter of real estate magnate Trammel Crow. Lucy Billingsley , currently sits on the city of Dallas board ( Cypress Waters Municipal Management District). The first municipal management district in the Dallas area. Henry and Lucy also own the Billingsley company, a commercial real estate company. If you are ready to go deep down the dark side of the split tongue's , brace yourself; It gets deep. Trammel Crow and Libyan Leader Qaddhafi were very friendly with each other(close friends/business dealings). To get a clearer understanding, here is an Dallas Observer article dated December 22, 1994, titled The Crow/Qaddhafi connection. It's wild in Dallas, the land of the SPLIT TONGUE'S. THIS ARTICLE IS EIGHT PAGES LONG.


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