Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

UPDATE : District 14 candidate James Nowlin; Moving Dallas Forward

  correction : James Nowlin is running against incumbent Angela Hunt for the district 14 seat   Moving Dallas Forward
Earlier today, I spoke before campaign supporters and members of the press to outline my vision for Dallas during these challenging economic times.  As the next councilman for the 14th District, I understand that the future of Dallas is about growing our economy while maintaining essential city services.  I also understand that Dallas city residents are looking to the council to provide solutions.  Together with new leadership, new ideas, and a renewed focus on fiscal responsibility, Dallas will flourish!  Please take a look at my comments below:

During these challenging economic times, the future of Dallas is about growing our economy while maintaining essential city services.  Dallas will face yet another budget shortfall this year.  While North Texas is growing by leaps and bounds, the population of Dallas increased by less than 1 percent this past decade.  The voters of District 14 deserve to know how I, as their councilperson, will respond to these problems.

At this critical moment for Dallas, the city and the 14th District deserve strong leadership that looks beyond the next year in budget planning.  Dallas residents are looking to the Council to provide solutions – the bickering has to stop and the progress has to begin.  I will be a partner on the council to move our city forward.  The focus has to turn to jobs and fiscal responsibility.
As the next councilmember for the 14th District, there are things that we can start doing today to begin living within our means.  We must focus now on long-term budget strategies to make our city the best and most efficient in the nation.   

  1. Raising property taxes again is not an option.  Under my leadership, District 14 will not be the swing vote that raises taxes for the entire city.  
  2. We must explore revenue-producing ventures such as city-wide recycling initiatives that include multi-family housing and office buildings, reducing the number of city-owned and city-leased cars, considering options such as leasing the naming rights for terminals at Love Field, and by establishing a Citizen’s Budget and Tax Review Commission charged with scrubbing the city’s budget.  We will work together to maintain essential city services while finding solutions to increase efficiency.  
I will prioritize the budget without politicizing it.

Throughout my campaign for City Council, I have reflected on my background as a first-generation college student who worked his way to Dallas from the foothills of Virginia.  I am the child of truck driver and a factory worker who, while I was in high school, put herself through college to become a public school teacher.  My mother, who is standing behind me, taught me how to save money, how to live within my means, and how to collaborate and work well with others.  I believe that these qualities are exactly what are needed in our councilperson from the 14th District, and that’s why I am running.

I love Dallas with all my heart and have been blessed since putting down roots here.  I’m not wealthy by any means, but my small business makes enough money for me and my family.  Through prayer and by leaning on my faith, I have decided that if the voters entrust me with their voice at City Hall, I will give my city salary to help fund programs that provide critical services to our city.  Community centers that invest in our children as well as homeless families are among those being hit the hardest during this budget crisis.  These programs are endangered by budget cuts and will become increasingly limited in their ability to do good work.  This decision is about fiscal responsibility; making hard choices today so that we can invest in tomorrow.  I will seek out partnerships with individuals and companies to contribute a community match to give back to the city which has given so much to them.   Together, with new leadership, new ideas, and a renewed focus on fiscal responsibility, Dallas will flourish.  

To see the video from this morning's remarks, please visit our website at

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