Senin, 14 Maret 2011

District 2 candidate, Billy Macleod discusses economic development, helping small biz thrive

Billy-MacLeod-Dallas-City-Council-District-2-Open-for-BusinessDistrict 2 deserves a leader who will promote economic development and who will reach out to small business owners and help them thrive. In the past 6 years there have only been a few big projects in District 2. Projects  such as: the Dallas Convention Center Hotel, The New Jail, and The Calatrava Bridge to West Dallas have not created a penny of revenue for the City of Dallas.  There are success stories like The Cedars which continues to grow with the development of new properties but not at the pace wanted or needed by all of District 2 residents. This is one of the reasons I am running for office, we need new development and we must promote small business. All the residents in District 2 have not benefited from economic development opportunities or funding.  The residents near Love Field, in East Dallas, on Lower Greenville and in Deep Ellum have not gotten their piece of the pie. These forgotten residents need a City Councilman who can talk to big business, communicate and understand small business, and who can be a vocal leader on the City Council.  District 2 deserves person who will listen, and who will lead in areas of economic development. My experience in the private sector makes me a superior candidate.  And when I am elected, I will bring this leadership style to the Dallas City Council and I will put District 2 on the map once again.
I believe in limiting government regulation of business.  Imposing Special Use Permits when they are unnecessary and discrimatory is bad policy.  District 2 needs a Councilman who has run his own small business and knows what is like to be on the other side of public policy.
City Hall can do more to help District 2 residents who want to start their own small businesses.  I will find ways to help small businesses responsibly grow into medium size businesses and assist them when they need when they grow again. I will even take the steps necessary to review the Dallas tax codes to see how we can modernize our tax policies to help business thrive.
District 2 needs a City Councilman who can reach out to help small business owners immediately but who also has the ability to lobby on their behalf in both Austin and in Washington.  I have the ability and the desire to fight for the future of business owners in the District. When I am elected I assure you that can do more and will do more to improve the financial future for the entire district.
We cannot afford business as usual at Dallas City Hall and when I am elected to Dallas City Council I pledge to take immediate steps to Preserve our environment and bring sustainable projects and programs to District 2. In the face of huge local budget deficits and skyrocketing debt, Dallas City Hall has to do more with less. As your City Councilman, I will insist Dallas City Hall be a more responsible steward of the environment. I will encourage a collaborative sustainable model at Dallas City Hall that will address environmental responsibility, green job training, solar panel installation, environmental education of our children, and community greening initiatives that will take into consideration both the environmental and the socioeconomic conditions on the ground. This can start at Dallas City Hall and on Dallas City buildings using Solar energy as a starting point. This picture to the left is the Dallas Veterans Hospital in South Dallas. They have already seen the light and taken the initiative to install solar on their roof. When I am elected to Dallas City Council I will bring this same technology to the roof of Dallas City Hall and we will start a green revolution in this City.
There are many companies who will provide turnkey on-grid solar power electric solutions to a broad range of customers in both the public and private sectors. These public private partnerships can  help  Dallas  reduce or eliminate city owned and operated facility’s electric bills by installing a commercial solar electric system. A significant portion of the commercial solar system’s cost is paid for by taking advantage of state rebates, incentives and the generous 30 percent federal solar tax credit combined with  grant and accelerated depreciation in the long run this type of system will increase City revenue. This type of initiative will  give Dallas commercial business  owners an example to follow. This type of initiative will show the nation that the City of Dallas is serious about sustainability and smart  about addressing it’s budget shortfall.
Council-District-2-Dallas City Election-Billy-Macleod-Green-RoofsTaking small steps, we can still have change happen quickly.  I propose we find a partner in the Solar Industry to install solar panels on City Hall. Public and private partnerships like this can jump start a City wide program that would install solar panels on all City Buildings. This can be done with zero cost to the City. Every kilowatt of electricity  stored which is not used can be sold back to the electric company and I believe a project such as this will make the city a profit. I propose making recycling pickup available to everyone in Dallas, including apartment buildings. I propose a plan to allow for multifamily residents to have recycling. Again, this will not cost the city,  it will make the city money.
District 2 needs a green minded leader in office who can create a sustainable place to live. I plan to green this city with more trees and more money.  This can all be done with policy change at City Hall and leveraging local resources. I plan on  introducing green job training programs, developing innovative new community greening programs, encouraging community gardens, and I plan on creating new environmental education programs at all of our City Parks. Sustainability is the future and unfortunately we are way behind the curve.  This has negative quality of life impacts and financial impacts that will only be reversed by electing a leader willing to make a green lifestyle a priority.
Billy-MacLeod-Dallas-City-Council-District-2-Unban FarmingI will propose adding new green space in the urban areas of the District where there is little if any places for children to enjoy being outside. This can all be done at zero cost to the City if City Hall learns to forge new partnerships between local businesses and government. There are people and businesses in the community who are willing and able to fund and build these projects. However, no one has tried to champion or take on the green projects District 2 actually needs to make it a better place to live.  Preservation of green space and community members coming together will make life better for today and for generations to come. When I am elected your Dallas City Councilman.  I will be the leader District 2 requires to preserve our environment and our way of life.

Macleod website

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