Senin, 28 Maret 2011

UPDATE : Rochester SWAT, over 25 police officers ambush Grandmother, grandchildren; for foreclosure

                                                                      Cathy Lennon


Update from Ravenwood Eviction: Negotiations with Fannie Mae Begin

After almost a year of being stonewalled by Fannie Mae (the current owner of 9 Ravenwood), today and the day after the eviction of the family and 7 were arrested in protest, Fannie Mae came to the table to begin negotiations with the family.  This afternoon Catherine Lennon of 9 Ravenwood Ave was on a five-way call with 3 officials from Fannie Mae and staff person from Congresswoman Louise Slaughter's office who arranged the call.  According to Ms. Lennon the dialogue was very positive and that Fannie Mae vowed to work with her to get her home back.  They stated that the first step was to get the family's records of current income and would continue to work from there.  In addition, Take Back the Land Rochester received calls today from both Senator Chuck Schumer's office and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand saying that they would also be stepping up efforts to intervene on the family's behalf.   You can find Congresswoman Slaughter's press release below.

Rep. Louise M. Slaughter
Ranking Member, House Committee on Rules
Representing New York’s 28th District
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Victoria Dillon(202) 225-2888

Slaughter Steps In to Help Local Family Return to their Home

Slaughter Connects Catherine Lennon with Mortgage Lender Fannie Mae to Resolve Tragic Situation

WASHINGTON– Congresswoman Louise Slaughter (NY-28) today intervened in the hopes of allowing a Rochester woman and her family of 11 to return to their home following an eviction by mortgage lender Fannie Mae.

Catherine Lennon of Rochester, called Slaughter’s office last week asking for the Congresswoman’s help so she could stay in her home with her family. It was Slaughter who first alerted Fannie Mae to Lennon’s situation.

Yesterday, Lennon was evicted from her Ravenwood Ave. home.

Today Slaughter spoke to officials at Fannie Mae and put Lennon in direct contact with officials who could help resolve her case. Lennon’s case is currently being re-reviewed by high level officials at Fannie Mae.

“I’m very happy to assist Ms. Lennon and her family of 11 so that they will be able to return to their home,” said Slaughter. “Seeing the outpouring of support from the community is particularly moving. Every day we hear about home foreclosures reported with faceless statistics but it is Ms. Lennon’s tenacity to protect her home and the family she loves that we should remember. I will continue to wish her and her family the very best.”

# # #

United States House of Representatives
2469 Rayburn House Office Building • Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-3615 phone • (202) 225-7822 fax •


courtesy WHEC News 10 Rochester

The city of Rochester brought shock and awe into a residential community as they sent 25 police cars, including the Rochester SWAT team, to evict the Lennon-Griffin family- including a grandmother and 7 children- from a single family home.

Take Back the Land- Rochester members executed an eviction defense and suffered six (6) arrests. Charges are not yet known. Spokesperson Ryan Acuff was not arrested. In addition, an elderly neighbor, who lives across the street from the home at 9 Ravenwood, was arrested- in her pajamas- for complaining loudly about the police overkill in her neighborhood.

Here is some media coverage:

The home is now owned and controlled by Fannie Mae, a quasi government agency created to spur homeownership. Fannie Mae received $90 billion in bailout money, more than any other financial institution.

Take Back the Land- Rochester is organizing a speak out tonight at the home followed by a candlelight vigil. The program begins at 6:00pm.

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