Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

Dallas : More Black Women Angry At DA Craig Watkins; claiming PEDOPHILE PROTECTOR

Dallas : Several woman have RECENTLY come forward with accusations that Dallas County DA Craig Watkins is a PEDOPHILE PROTECTOR. Since last month I have met with two new parents. Back
during the November elections, Watkins was called out on the Robert Ashley Show on KHVN Heaven 97 by several mothers. Since then more mothers have came forward to make these same claims. Could all of them be fabricating the same story? Craig, its time to bring justice for the children whom lives are destroyed by these PEDOPHILES, or at least look into these claims and quit blaming county commissioners and the budget!

For more information just search Craig Watkins on this blog

Dallas County | Is the Dallas County D.A. harboring pedophiles?

UPDATE Dallas | Allegations | A.W. Brown Academy sex scandal |

Dallas County | Petty Peculiar Pathetic Pedophilia

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