Rabu, 06 April 2011

Emergency Preparedness : Surviving Disaster: How Texans Prepare.

Are we prepared? Message I received from Community Emergency Response Team Dallas(CERT)

Dear Emergency Management Colleagues and Partners,

No one is better qualified to talk about the importance of preparedness than someone who has personally experienced anatural disaster.

The Texas Department of State Health Services – in partnership with the Texas Division of Emergency Management – has produced a series of excellent educational videos called Surviving Disaster: How Texans Prepare.

These videos feature Texans telling their own stories about surviving severe weather disasters, including floods, tornadoes and hurricanes. They tell their fellow Texans why it is critical to make a family emergency plan and to keep emergency supplies in waterproof, portable containers.

Our plan is to hold a series of screenings throughout the state so that you may see these videos, receive copies of them and also receive guidebooks explaining how to host additional screenings. You may click here https://video.texasprepares.org/ to watch a preview and register for an exclusive screening being held near your community.

We want as many people as possible to see these videos, and we are hoping you will incorporate them into your community preparedness events.

Please accept my personal invitation to attend a special screening, and to add these videos to the preparedness materials you use to help your community.


W. Nim Kidd, CEM ®
Assistant Director
Texas Department of Public Safety
Texas Division of Emergency Management

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