Jumat, 08 April 2011

What is Sharia? A school of thought needed in America. By Imam W. Deen Mohammed


Muslim Journal


By Imam W. Deen Mohammed

(Editor's note: The following questions are excerpted from an interview Imam Fareed Munir of Camden . New Jersey conducted with Imam Muhammad in early October.)   
Q: What is Sharia?
A: Sharia is the interpretation of the law from Qur'anic scriptures and the Hadith, the sayings of Prophet Muhammad. Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. The law is extracted or to be applied to situations and problems.
The law, the Sharia, differs from geographic regions, from time to time, because of the different kinds of situations and problems that develop in different regions at different times. So, I would say "Sharia" is an extraction of principles and laws, etc. to be applied to problems that will arise in the life of the people. It requires a person with a good understanding of the word of GodQur'an and the Sunnah, the life and Hadith, the teachings and sayings of Prophet Muhammad. I would advise against just taking the Sharia that have been formed by the (schools of thought) without any reservation. I would be strongly against that.
I hope that in time, a school of thought in sharia will develop here, in the west, in America.

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