Senin, 18 April 2011

US HOUSE WATCH : Eddie Bernice Johnson's recent voting record representing the 30th district

Recent House Votes

To repeal the Prevention and Public Health Fund - Vote Passed (236-183, 13 Not Voting)

This House bill would eliminate funding for the Prevention and Public Health Fund, which was established by the health care law. Supporters of the bill say there is no accountability to determine where the money is spent. Opponents of the bill say it would defund important prevention programs. The Senate is unlikely to take up the measure.

Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson voted NO......send e-mail or see bio

Fiscal 2011 Spending Agreement - Vote Passed (260-167, 6 Not Voting)

The House passed this bill to fund the government through the end of the current fiscal year. Based on the agreement negotiated to prevent a government shutdown, the bill provides $1.055 trillion in federal spending. The Senate passed the bill later in the day, clearing it for the president.

Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson voted NO......send e-mail or see bio

Fiscal 2011 Health Care Overhaul Funding - Vote Passed (240-185, 7 Not Voting)

Following passage of the 2011 spending bill, the House adopted this enrollment correction resolution that would have blocked funding for the implementation of the health care law. The Senate rejected the resolution so it will not be part of the final spending bill.

Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson voted NO......send e-mail or see bio

Fiscal 2011 Planned Parenthood Funding - Vote Passed (241-185, 1 Present, 5 Not Voting)

Following passage of the 2011 spending bill, the House adopted this enrollment correction resolution that would have blocked funding for Planned Parenthood. The Senate rejected the resolution so it will not be part of the final spending bill.

Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson voted NO......send e-mail or see bio

Fiscal 2012 House Budget Resolution - Vote Passed (235-193, 4 Not Voting)

The House passed a budget resolution that calls for $1.019 trillion in discretionary spending in the 2012 fiscal year. The budget resolution would allow for $2.859 trillion in overall spending. The resolution is non-binding but is used as a guideline for appropriators. The Senate is expected to work on its budget after the recess.

Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson voted NO......send e-mail or see bio

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