Rabu, 13 April 2011

Solar Cycle 24 WATCH | Solar prominence on the 11th followed by CME on the 12th. 4/13/11

http://www.thesuntoday.org - A prominence eruption occurred on the northwest solar limb at the end of April 11th followed by a CME on April 12th. Here is a video, first of the SDO 304 angstrom observation followed by SDO 304 combined with the LASCO C2 instrument onboard the SOHO spacecraft. SDO shows the prominence eruption and LASCO provides of view of the material moving away from the Sun as a CME. Viewing the CME in LASCO combined with SDO helps to get an idea of how big CMEs can become as they expand moving away from the Sun. The Sun is big and so are CMEs! And the CME is also moving at about 1 million miles per hour!

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